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Spetka Spokar 3015/816, masonry, circle PP
1,81 €
 / ks
ÁFA nélkül
(720 Ft)
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Brushes fitted with synthetic fibers are designed especially for work on new and rough plasters and penetration coatings. Average: 108 Visible... teljes leírás
Kat. szám: 216095
EAN kódot: 8593534620032
Súly: 0,17 kg
Logistické balenie: 1 ks

Brushes fitted with synthetic fibers are designed especially for work on new and rough plasters and penetration coatings.

Average: 108

Visible bristle length:

Fibers: synthetic

Housing: plastic

Handle: plastic

Vol. number: 6213404000

Druh náradia:
na nových a hrubých omietkach a na penetračné nátery.
Typ príslušenstva:
1,81 €
 / ks
ÁFA nélkül
(720 Ft)
Hozzáadás a bevásárló listához